I think coding standards are very important for programmers. Good coding standards ensure readability and understanding of one’s own code. Thus, coding standards are rules that must be followed to make your code look cool and organized, and there are several rules. There must be space before the new paragraph, and when you complete the sentence, you must put a semi-colon. This is more systematic than sloppy and inconsistent code and can be easily understood in a good mood when others reads the well-formatted code.Thus, coding standards not only help the others better retain my intentions, but also help others who are looking at my code.Also, if the others write it according to the same coding standard as mine, I can easily understand the code. Therefore, anyone familiar with the same standard will be able to see the code of the others and easily contribute to or edit it.
Lint is a tool that flags the suspicious constructs, and every computer language there is a lint tool. ESLint helps correct coding standard errors after finding them. For my ICS314 class, we are learning JavaScript and use ESLint because this ESLint is a pluggable utility for JavaScript. After the first week of using Intellij with ESLint, I thought I would continue to use this to improve the quality of my code. Because I find my code is too messy compared to the code I need when I use ESLint. The process of getting a green checkmark is painful because I always make many mistakes. However, I know that there is a lot to learn from mistakes. So I believe this will be really useful in the future. Though painful now, I will enjoy this very much to be a good programmer.