If you want to destroy the keyboard because some parts of the code are not resolved at all, you need to ask for help on some aspects of programming. People say we learn by failing, but sometimes we all need a helping hand. But it is important to know when, where, and how to ask. Because if you misrepresent your problem to the coding community, it will eventually lead to very bad code.
Here is an example of a good question.
This question is an example of a good question because it is clear and to the point. articulate the symptoms of the problem, provide sample code, and specify the target at the end. The author states clearly what he or she wants and what he or she does not want, specifying what is needed to solve his or her problems. This allows people to read, diagnose, and solve the author’s problems quickly. Therefore, this question could receive a good answer.
Here is an example of a bad question.
The author just copied and pasted the entire code. He is just asking them to find his problem and fix it. I would say this is a bad question because it is a lazy one. His question did not clarify exactly what he wanted to know. These questions will be hard for anyone to answer. Not surprisingly, no one answered his question.